Life is full of chaos. Find joy outside. Bring it inside.


As a filmmaker, I spent 30 years producing award-winning documentaries about people and ideas that changed the world.

Now I create pressed flower designs that celebrate the joy and beauty of the natural world.

These days you’ll find me in my garden tending the plants and observing the life they support. Alive with color and fragrance, my garden teems with bees, birds, butterflies, and all sorts of critters who come hunting for dinner. What unfolds there is fascinating stuff — sometimes murderous, sometimes funny, always amazing.

A few years ago, I started seeing flowers, stems, and leaves as colors and shapes to fit together. On a whim, I pressed a few blossoms and began to play.

At the Reston, VA craft market, Aug. 2022

I’ve created a zoo of flower designs, inspired by sights and scenes I’ve witnessed in my garden, and ones I imagine.

A tip of a fern leaf here, a zinnia petal there, Xacto knife, archival glue, vintage stamps from around the world, plus a sprinkling of humor — these are my ingredients.

I’m really just trying to make myself laugh —

and maybe get you to smile a little too.

Miriam Zimmerman

Reston Craft Market, July 2023